If your expecting some look into my mind your sadly mistaken. No, I have decided to dedicate this post somewhat to myself and what I, and this blog are all about as well as my fans, which as of 1:18 AM on November 25, 2009 total zero.
I, however, have a feeling that is all going to change very soon. You see this blog has real potential. It can be a lot more than just me telling you the crazy anecdotal stories of my early college years. I hope that this blog can be a place of not only laughs, but perhaps knowledge. You see as the oldest I had no idea what to expect when I came to college, and if you are a freshmen or incoming freshmen to Florida State or any other University in this great nation you are probably experiencing some of the same anxieties I felt and still feel towards life on your own in a strange new place.
Don't get yourself down college is great, and I guarantee you will find a place to fit in. Still, there are some things you probably want to avoid and some things you definitely don't want to pass up. I hope this blog will give you some tips on what those things are. Granted, these are just my opinions, but if you are anything like me then you should find them useful.
Its hard to say when my new attitudes started to develop, but when I look back at where I am now I see a stream of events that led me to the mindset I am in as I type these words to you tonight from my darkened dorm.
In order to understand what I mean, I have to start at the beginning. The beginning, as it were, was about a year ago this month when I was still in high school just trying to get through my senior year. I guess you could say I was a well rounded student. I played a few sports during high school, a few clubs, and great grades, but something was always missing. I had good friends who I knew that I could count on, and I even had a good job. Nonetheless, my home life felt like it was weighing on me and I felt as though I could never escape. Pressure to get into college, pressure to keep my grades up, pressure to get involved, pressure from friends, too many things on my plate. I saw college as a way for me to escape. I had hoped to get into film school, but I didn't get accepted. Perhaps if I had, I wouldn't be telling you this now. Things have a way of sorting out, or so I thought. But a year ago I was also in the mist of a very odd relationship, the likes of which I still have yet to comprehend. Emotionally I would say that I was a mess, and on the heels of that break-up I began a slow, yet steady journey towards realization.
So many things were going right for me, yet so many things still felt wrong. I had been accepted to every major university in Florida. I had scholarships lined up, and my high school career was drawing to a close in an extravagant manor, but I did not have what a truly wanted. I had dreamed for so long of coming to Florida State to go to film school, but I was not accepted. To make things worse I had several arguments with friends and my parents that left me in an awkward position at home and in school. Luckily I had the refuge of the animal hospital. Even that sometimes wasn't enough.
My bad habits were getting the best of me be the end of my senior year, and several incidents made my home life even worse. Mistakes of a teenager who is just trying to fit in perhaps, but still mistakes.
So by the time I left for college I was absolutely ready to start a new life here, and that is exactly what I did.
There is more to this story. This is just the introduction. I'll tell you this much though, I'm leaving to go home for Thanksgiving tomorrow and I am not in the least bit excited. My parents inability to let go has led to their spying on me via text messages. I am not happy about this, but it does mean that they are aware of some not so flattering things. I have a feeling that I will be getting chewed out basically the entire duration of my stay. From a psychological standpoint I feel that the feelings of loathing and distrust from my parents and now even some close friends is taking its toll, and that is probably why I have begun looking for love in other places (i.e. the older girl). One thing is for sure, if self destruction is a dish best served cold, then I am a hot skillet.