Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BGO: A Serious Condition

Got a call from my agent today. Another book deal through the tubes. Plus the weather is great in Tally. Just raining everyday, cold, sopping wet in class. Just totally fun. I got a B+ on my math test today then I got back to my dorm a crashed hard and forgot to finish my math homework. Woke up at 8:30, a half an hour too late to submit it online. Fuck. Well this isn't all bad. I've got a mound of busy work to finish over the next couple days, but some very interesting things have started happening.
  1. Last night I was messaged by a girl that I had seemingly never met. She told me I was cute and we hit it off. She is H-O double T hott, and I plan on hanging out with her later this week. Maybe more....
  2. Girls have started coming out of the woodwork since this blog started blowing up. I'm not sure what to do. This is really getting out of hand. I woke up last night and there was a girl standing next to my bed just starring at me. I looked down and my underwear had been removed. I looked back up and she was holding them. I was frightened.

Right now I might be facing a serious problem. Something known only as BGO or Baby Girl Overload. This syndrome occurs when a guy has more girls than he can handle and then ends up fucking things up with all of them. BGO is a dangerous phenomenon, and can really make you feel like shit. Sometimes BGO catches you off gaurd, I think that is what is happening right now. I mean two days ago I was basically a fucking unich, and now I'm like Jesus, fucking all the Marys and doing keg stands with demons and shit. The difference is Jesus could handle that shit, and I am a mere mortal. One time I had a bad case of BGO and I wasn't able to cure it in time. If that happens you are looking at something I like to call BGW or Baby Girl Withdrawals. This is a dangerous phase because it can be accompanied by a serious depression. In my case, though, my penis usually just explodes.

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