Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Red Beard: The Boy With the Burning Beard

How drunk is too drunk? Let me tell you!
  1. On the second night you're on campus you get so wasted that I have to fireman carry you up five flights of stairs to get your drunk ass back to your room.
  2. You are too drunk to remember that you have acid reflux, so you shotgun a Mountain Dew and end up boking in my bed.
  3. You get lost on campus and call me to come find you. Then after I have gone out of my way to get you, you slam the door in my face and fuck my pledge brother again!
  4. You wake up the morning after and your room smells like shit.
  5. You wake up the morning after and your dick is colored red, and you have a thong drawn on your ass.
  6. You wake up and you are sleeping in your suite-mates bed.
  7. Someone asks if you have ever lit your beard on fire and you say, "No, but do you want to try." (Seriously Patrick's beard being lit on fire was possibly the greatest thing I have ever seen.)

Well thats a couple signs that you may be too drunk. In all seriousness though, if your that drunk you won't remember it anyway. So have fun!

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